What is Metadat-AI?
Metadat-ai is a cloud hosted Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution that provides fully automated multi-step AI workflows to tag your media (video, audio, images, text) in your Asset Management system.
We make AI accessible through our user-friendly platform and affordable fixed monthly subscription. We have a comprehensive suite of ready-to-use models and simple drag-and-drop custom model training so users can reap the rewards of AI analysis without needing to have a software development team or a PhD in AI.
It automatically scales up and down cloud servers on demand to process vast media libraries within your own cloud account on low cost Virtual Machines, ensuring data privacy, security and cost efficiency.
Eliminate the boring, costly and time-consuming task of manually logging your media with our AI metadata generator.
Create value in your archive, increase productivity and reduce production costs by 5-25% with faster retrieval so you can focus on what you do best.
Metadat-AI is an advanced AI-powered media analysis platform designed to extract valuable insights and metadata from media (video, audio, images and text). Built for scalability, it processes vast media libraries within your own AWS account, ensuring data security while integrating seamlessly with the iconik Media Asset Management system. We have a comprehensive suite of pre-trained, ready-to-use models and fully automated MLOps so users can reap the rewards of AI analysis without needing to have a development team or a PhD in AI.
Some examples of the pre-trained AI models include:
Transcription (with translation to English)
Language detection
Facial detection, recognition and classification
Object detection
Scene recognition
Sound classification
Object detection
Entity, sentiment and toxicity classification
Added flexibility of custom model training for specific needs like face, object or logo recognition